Wednesday, March 4, 2009

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. ~Proverbs 23:7

The above verse provides evidence to the notion of whatever we think about ourselves, we become. Your opinion of yourself is the only opinion of your concern. I think many wonderful thoughts about myself.

I'm smart. I'm pretty. I'm giving. I'm strong. I'm a good person. etc...

Positive thoughts are the essential tools in creating your character. What you think, you speak. What you speak, you become.

I've been indecisive for the past 2 weeks over my career choices. Last night, my dad asked me, one final time, if I wanted my job back supervising his office before he hired someone else and I said yes.

Today, I got a text from a friend asking if I would teach modeling classes every other Saturday to little girls who have dreams of becoming a model. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity. It's one of my passions in life, and it'd be awesome to share the same passion with little girls who shoes I was once in at an early age. I'm very excited and grateful for this opportunity. I get to share what I've loved to do with other people since I was a child and hopefully help them fulfill their own dreams, as well.

Today is a new day. I started my day off by going to the gym and pushing out a pretty extensive leg work out. And everything has panned out quite wonderfully.

I'm pleased with my decision to come back to my job, starting my new morning work out schedule, my new side job offer, and having access to the internet to type out my daily blog.

If you do the right thing, you'll attract the right things into your life.

Don't let anyone discourage you, or tell you differently. Like I said, your opinion of yourself is the only opinion that counts.

Make it a great day, even if you had a bad morning.

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